Monday, May 23, 2011

June Desktop Calendars

School will be ending in about a month & Father's Day is upon us. I hope y'all enjoy this calendars created for June. Don't forget to leave some love if you decide to snag any (or all). Variety is the spice of life & I enjoy changing mines weekly.

As a side note, the top one I created using my own photographs, a script for the flower & frame plus a cat preset shape that I colorized. I'd appreciate a critique on that one since it is my own work. Thanx all.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

May 2011 Calendars--Happy Mother's Day

May is upon us & as a mother I so love Mother's Day. I wish my Mom were still with us but alas, she isn't. I love & miss you Mom.

I've also included a Cinco de Mayo calendar for any of my Hispanic friends. I've got 3 grandbabies that have Mexican in them.

I hope all the mom's enjoy your special day. If you're blessed to have your mother still living, let her know. God bless all of you.